Biographical Sketch


My name is Nancy Groover. I am an artist, art educator, and Reiki Master and will be attending Naropa University in the Fall of 2000. I will complete coursework to receive an MA degree in Transpersonal Counseling Psychology with concentration in Art Therapy. A native of Indiana, I received my Bachelor of Fine Arts degree at Indiana State University in 1978 and art education credentials from Indiana University in 1983. I taught art on the Wind River Reservation from 1989 to 2000 and became immersed in Native American Spirituality and Jungian Dreamwork in 1990.

Carl Jung reintroduced the mandala to Western civilization in the early 1950s because he realized its therapeutic and healing properties. "Mandala" is a Sanskrit term for "sacred circle". The "sacred circle" has long been used by many cultures, including Tibetans and Native Americans, as a meditative and spiritual focus. A typical mandala has a center point and cardinal points radiating from the center. Jung believed it was "a container" for the psyche and that the placement of colors and objects within the circle has special meaning to its creator. In creating mandalas, one can literally learn to read the language of the psyche.

It was this discovery that showed me the importance of using art as a way to touch the inner self and how to use this information to transform my life. In 1994 I taught the first mandala workshop and in 1998, added mask making and basketry as tools for self-reflection. My students report that the workshops are fun, enlightening, and worthwhile.

If you desire to book a workshop, please contact me about a month in advance. Terms are negotiable. I offer these tools with love.




Nancy Groover

209 Lost Wells Butte Drive

Riverton, Wyoming 82501

(307) 856-3519



May, 1984: Teacher Certification, K-12 Visual Arts; Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana

August, 1978: Bachelor of Fine Arts; Indiana State University, Terre Haute, Indiana


September 1986 to present: over 17 credit hours in weaving and fiber arts, 8 credit hours in computer Central Wyoming College; Riverton, Wyoming

July 1995: Pilgrimage and Vision Quest to Mt. Shasta; Dance of the Deer Foundation, Mt. Shasta, California

June 1992: Usui Shiki Rycho Reiki Master, Albuquerque, New Mexico


Teaching Experience:

August 1992 to May 2000: K-12 Art Teacher,St. Stephen's Indian School, St. Stephen's, Wyoming

January 1999: "Mandala: Tool for Transformation", Riverton, Wyoming

December 1998: "Putting the Spirit into Basket Making", Riverton, WY

December 1998: "Weaving a Cloth Mandala", Riverton, Wyoming

October 1998: "Mask Making: Expression of Empowerment", Riverton, Wyoming

June 1997: "Interpreting a Personal Mandala", Riverton, WY

August 1996: Basketry Workshop, Riverton, Wyoming

July 1995: "Mandala: The Sacred Circle", Riverton, Wyoming

June 1994: "Mandala: The Sacred Circle" Takoja Institute; Near Taos, New Mexico

October 1993: "Mandala: Medicine Wheel; Experiential Habitat with Sound, Scent, and Symbolism", Turtle Island Earth Emporium; Casper, Wyoming

Summer 1992 and 1993: Summer Institute, Wyoming Indian School, Ethete, Wyoming

August 1992 to May 1994: Adult Education Instructor/GED Examiner, Central Wyoming College, Riverton, Wyoming

August 1989 to June 1991: K-8 Art Instructor, Fremont County School District #21, Ft. Washakie, Wyoming

August 1987 to May 1988: Adjunct Art Instructor, Central Wyoming College; Riverton, Wyoming



1998: Recent and Retrospective Works, 1978 to present, Riverton, Wyoming

1987: Faculty Art Show, Central Wyoming College, Riverton, Wyoming

1979: "Best of Show", Hendricks County Art League, Avon, Indiana

1978: Indiana Crafts 78, Indianapolis Museum of Art, Indianapolis, Indiana

Bookstore Award, Tri-State Art Show: "Hang-ups", Indiana State University, Terre Haute, Indiana

Flight Beyond Egypt Purple Heart Converging Wisdom

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